Thursday, January 24, 2008


Last Tuesday, Chris and I spent our last day with Deb before she went off to Perth. It was a good day. Despite the circumstances. It was the easy-going and light kind of fun. The good kind.

We went to theSpring like any norm-succumbing adolescent would. Might as well indulge for the last time in the mind numbing trend following. Heh. But theSpring is pretty cool, even after the 5th or 6th time.

We shopped and had lunch. Then shopped some more. Window shopping mostly. Nothing's really that appealing anymore. Deb was super hyped all morning after her 5 buck porridge breakfast. We tried restraining her from lunch to prevent anymore of the ridiculously incontrollable high she was experiencing but we couldn't stop her. Before breakfast she was practically a walking corpse. ;p Honest.

Then we whored. In the speeding Getz that gives me heart spasms everytime we get in it.

Then we just shopped some more. Deb took us to this shop in India street to check out the t-shirts with those witty one-liners written on them. It was fun laughing at them.

But after a while we all ran out of energy and sat really quietly in her car. Deb pulled out a bar of Toblerone that we bought along with her *coughs* groceries earlier at theSpring which saved us from mental breakdown and restored the sugar rush to it's rightful order.

Then we shopped some more. This time at HockLee. After circling the place we landed ourselves here. Kiddy haven. The Arcade.

We played air hockey, guns, Daytona, dance revolution, drums, basketball. But nothing could beat this.

It's alot more fun than it looks. Trust me. We even went for a second round.

Got somewhat violent gradually..

We got the arcade dude to take our picture. That's how goofy we are. The day in total was fun. Gonna miss you, DebbieWebbie. Take care of yourself there. God bless. *hugs

A pretty cool video that Deb made of us playing air hockey.

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