Saturday, July 28, 2007

one for my babehh.

Every evening, on the way to tuition, I pass this empty lot. Not so much a lot as a mere, small piece of land. So anyway, almost every evening there would be this group of people-- a mixture of young and older working adults alike-- playing some sort of hackysack/soccer/whatever game on that little piece of land.

My first reaction was to laugh. I couldn't resist. It was so amusing to see adults in their late 30s and 40s kicking some shuttlecock-looking object amongst one another.

It was nice to know that as we grow older, we don't really grow older. To think, imagine yourself 30 years from now, still stuck with the childish habit of biting your fingernails, dog-earing the special pages in your storybook, doodling silly little stick men drawings in your notebook, singing off key to Backstreet Boys in the bathroom or dancing spastically everytime your favourite song comes on on the radio. It's nice to think that even when you're 50, you'll be no different from when you were 16.

I've just started on this book. Felicity picked it out for me today. =)) They were trying to get me to cultivate an interest in books other than the typical high school, teenage, love-struck, girly stories that centre around a bunch of 8th graders. I wanted to start reading novels. I didn't want to get myself stuck with these simple-plotted, teenage love stories til I reach 40. That would just be embarassing and depressing. Imagine picking my daughter up from school with a copy of Mates, Dates.. in my hands. Errgghh. Freaaakkkyyy. So anyway, after reading several novels, let's just say I found them not to be my kinda thing. BUT, Juju and Felicity known as the (annoyingly) perseverant duo, did not give up and I actually managed to find a novel that I liked, courtesy of Felicity who had picked it out. I mean, at first I was kinda sceptical-- even after reading the summary-- but I've started on a few chapters and this book is fantastic! A great read. It is 'heartbreakingly universal and full of killer lines on love and love lost', as Financial Times would put it.

There is a specific part that I exceptionally like that goes like this;

And I know that I should be trying to move on. I know that I should be trying to put my time with Rose behind me. I know all of that.

But if you believe that you can recognise someone you have never met before, if you believe that there is just one person in the world for you, if you believe that there's only one other human being out there who you can love, for a lifetime-- and I believe all of these things-- then it follows that there is no point in pretending that tomorrow is another day and all that crap.

Because I've had my chance.

Beauty, eh? Haha. Sound like the moose from Brother Bear. LOL.

ANYWAY, yeah. Turned out when I arrived back to class with the novel, that it had belonged to Ivanna before. She had donated it to the school for our ReadingBay Project, which is exactly where I had gotten it from-- the shelves.

I've started this new thing. Mind-cussing. It's when you cuss your arse off in your head when you're feeling frustrated or pissed. I didn't want to do it intentionally. I just started doing it. I suppose I did subconsciously want to. I mean, if I didn't why would I have started in the first place, right? I guess it is a resort that one has to succumb to; under the conditions that one has never said the F word before neither has or does one ever want to. I suppose it's 'cos I'd been thinking about it a fair amount. I mean, about the fact that people say it as if it were a mere 'How do you do?' or 'Please' and 'Thank You'. Nevertheless, I understand how hard it is to stop cussin'. Torture really, once you've gotten started.

So, anyway, yeah. I guess that's about all I have to report today.

Basketball tomorrow. Have to wake up early. Hope it doesn't rain.

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