Saturday, July 28, 2007

Eat the cold porridge.

Spent the evening, lying down in front of the television, snuggled up with a pillow, watching cartoons. Ah, the old life. I used to spend hours in front of the TV. Sometimes watching my favourite cartoons, sometimes just watching who-knows-what. It didn't matter. I just wanted to watch TV. Loved it loads. When I was younger, I was so addicted. My parents got really worried because it was getting in the way of my study time. I would laze around in front of the TV watching all sorts of crap, even during the exam period. Anything to escape studying. Lucky for me (and them), I grew out of it.

But ever since F3/F4 was it?, I haven't been watching TV much. With all the exams and school work, it was homework, study, online, homework, study, online, with a little TV here and there but never for more than an hour or so.
It was nice, watching TV for hours and hours, cartoon after cartoon, all over again. Even my dad noticed that I haven't done that in a while. He was like, 'It's been so long since you've done this. It's always online and study nowadays.' It was a real epidemic with me and television before. Seriously. LOL.

Watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix this afternoon with my sister. It was good. I don't get why everyone keeps claiming it to be a 'grave disappoinment'. I rather liked it actually. More than the others. I can't believe I cried over Harry Potter. Good gravy, what was my tear gland thinking?

Luna Lovegood. Love her. She is the epitome of patience and being carefree.

Neville Longbottom. He is just soo adorable. Luna and him make the perfect pair (even if they aren't really a pair). ;p

Buuuutttt, my ultimate favourites are still...


I couldn't get an individual picture but they are the coolest. ;p Rebelling against the man! The man being Delores Umbridge, of course. (She'd pass for a man ;p). Their whole family is rather awesome really. Find them all so infectious except of course for Percy the Weasle. XD (no offense to any Percy-lovers out there, seriously.)

ANDDD, I found something very interesting about one of the characters in the movie.

Hottie Depp and Sirius Black.

Don't you think Depp looks alot like Black?! I mean, sure Black is an older version but still, nevertheless, the resemblance seems to be there, don't you think? It's no wonder I found Sirius to be rather compelling from the beginning of the movie. Maybe its his sweet and loving nature. Ironic words to describe an ex-con. LOL. But he's an old sweety.


TheSIMPSONS-- when stepford-type families go wrong. The most dysfunctional family in the history of modern television I'd say. Worse than the family in 'Grounded For Life'? Hmm. It's close. I want to watch Simpsons the Movie soon. I l.o.v.e. TheSIMPSONS! It is farby the best cartoon/TV series ever!! Might give another shot at inviting Juju to come with me tomorrow. I know how much she likes it too.

Sighh. What has become of me. Posting about Harry Potter now. Nothing wrong with Harry Potter (to all those hardcore HP fans) but I suppose it's never really been that big a deal to me other than the routined harry-potter's-out-let's-go-catch-it once every few years. I suppose I just didn't want to be sucked in with all the Harry Potter madness and turn into another mindless, gugu gaga, head-over-heels fan. I rather like being in the minority that stands out among the sea of Harry Potter fans. I am not a hater. Just a very minor fan. ;p

And once again I would like to clarify that this post directs no offense to the Harry Potter fans out there. When I say 'mindless, gugu gaga, head-over heels..', I most definitely do not mean it in a bad way. It's just a way to describe being totally crazy about something which is totally fine. Heck, I turn into a shameless, brain-drained, idiot at the very sound and sight of 'Kaka' or whenever there's football involved in something.

So, before hand, if anyone feels insulted I am sorry. My own sister is a hardcore fan, thus I would never mean any offense against any Harry Potter fans.

Deb was right. Blogging is sensitive. The risk of misunderstanding and communication breakdown occuring is bigger than Homer's yellow arse.

p/s. I just realized that I made around 10 posts this month. My blogs aren't usually this active. LOL. I'm wondering if this is unhealthy because I have SPM in 3months. Yikes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL. you love the weasley twins too? they're my absolute favourite characters! I hate J.K. Rowlings for killing off Fred. and blowing George's ear off.