Saturday, July 28, 2007

Eat the cold porridge.

Spent the evening, lying down in front of the television, snuggled up with a pillow, watching cartoons. Ah, the old life. I used to spend hours in front of the TV. Sometimes watching my favourite cartoons, sometimes just watching who-knows-what. It didn't matter. I just wanted to watch TV. Loved it loads. When I was younger, I was so addicted. My parents got really worried because it was getting in the way of my study time. I would laze around in front of the TV watching all sorts of crap, even during the exam period. Anything to escape studying. Lucky for me (and them), I grew out of it.

But ever since F3/F4 was it?, I haven't been watching TV much. With all the exams and school work, it was homework, study, online, homework, study, online, with a little TV here and there but never for more than an hour or so.
It was nice, watching TV for hours and hours, cartoon after cartoon, all over again. Even my dad noticed that I haven't done that in a while. He was like, 'It's been so long since you've done this. It's always online and study nowadays.' It was a real epidemic with me and television before. Seriously. LOL.

Watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix this afternoon with my sister. It was good. I don't get why everyone keeps claiming it to be a 'grave disappoinment'. I rather liked it actually. More than the others. I can't believe I cried over Harry Potter. Good gravy, what was my tear gland thinking?

Luna Lovegood. Love her. She is the epitome of patience and being carefree.

Neville Longbottom. He is just soo adorable. Luna and him make the perfect pair (even if they aren't really a pair). ;p

Buuuutttt, my ultimate favourites are still...


I couldn't get an individual picture but they are the coolest. ;p Rebelling against the man! The man being Delores Umbridge, of course. (She'd pass for a man ;p). Their whole family is rather awesome really. Find them all so infectious except of course for Percy the Weasle. XD (no offense to any Percy-lovers out there, seriously.)

ANDDD, I found something very interesting about one of the characters in the movie.

Hottie Depp and Sirius Black.

Don't you think Depp looks alot like Black?! I mean, sure Black is an older version but still, nevertheless, the resemblance seems to be there, don't you think? It's no wonder I found Sirius to be rather compelling from the beginning of the movie. Maybe its his sweet and loving nature. Ironic words to describe an ex-con. LOL. But he's an old sweety.


TheSIMPSONS-- when stepford-type families go wrong. The most dysfunctional family in the history of modern television I'd say. Worse than the family in 'Grounded For Life'? Hmm. It's close. I want to watch Simpsons the Movie soon. I l.o.v.e. TheSIMPSONS! It is farby the best cartoon/TV series ever!! Might give another shot at inviting Juju to come with me tomorrow. I know how much she likes it too.

Sighh. What has become of me. Posting about Harry Potter now. Nothing wrong with Harry Potter (to all those hardcore HP fans) but I suppose it's never really been that big a deal to me other than the routined harry-potter's-out-let's-go-catch-it once every few years. I suppose I just didn't want to be sucked in with all the Harry Potter madness and turn into another mindless, gugu gaga, head-over-heels fan. I rather like being in the minority that stands out among the sea of Harry Potter fans. I am not a hater. Just a very minor fan. ;p

And once again I would like to clarify that this post directs no offense to the Harry Potter fans out there. When I say 'mindless, gugu gaga, head-over heels..', I most definitely do not mean it in a bad way. It's just a way to describe being totally crazy about something which is totally fine. Heck, I turn into a shameless, brain-drained, idiot at the very sound and sight of 'Kaka' or whenever there's football involved in something.

So, before hand, if anyone feels insulted I am sorry. My own sister is a hardcore fan, thus I would never mean any offense against any Harry Potter fans.

Deb was right. Blogging is sensitive. The risk of misunderstanding and communication breakdown occuring is bigger than Homer's yellow arse.

p/s. I just realized that I made around 10 posts this month. My blogs aren't usually this active. LOL. I'm wondering if this is unhealthy because I have SPM in 3months. Yikes.

one for my babehh.

Every evening, on the way to tuition, I pass this empty lot. Not so much a lot as a mere, small piece of land. So anyway, almost every evening there would be this group of people-- a mixture of young and older working adults alike-- playing some sort of hackysack/soccer/whatever game on that little piece of land.

My first reaction was to laugh. I couldn't resist. It was so amusing to see adults in their late 30s and 40s kicking some shuttlecock-looking object amongst one another.

It was nice to know that as we grow older, we don't really grow older. To think, imagine yourself 30 years from now, still stuck with the childish habit of biting your fingernails, dog-earing the special pages in your storybook, doodling silly little stick men drawings in your notebook, singing off key to Backstreet Boys in the bathroom or dancing spastically everytime your favourite song comes on on the radio. It's nice to think that even when you're 50, you'll be no different from when you were 16.

I've just started on this book. Felicity picked it out for me today. =)) They were trying to get me to cultivate an interest in books other than the typical high school, teenage, love-struck, girly stories that centre around a bunch of 8th graders. I wanted to start reading novels. I didn't want to get myself stuck with these simple-plotted, teenage love stories til I reach 40. That would just be embarassing and depressing. Imagine picking my daughter up from school with a copy of Mates, Dates.. in my hands. Errgghh. Freaaakkkyyy. So anyway, after reading several novels, let's just say I found them not to be my kinda thing. BUT, Juju and Felicity known as the (annoyingly) perseverant duo, did not give up and I actually managed to find a novel that I liked, courtesy of Felicity who had picked it out. I mean, at first I was kinda sceptical-- even after reading the summary-- but I've started on a few chapters and this book is fantastic! A great read. It is 'heartbreakingly universal and full of killer lines on love and love lost', as Financial Times would put it.

There is a specific part that I exceptionally like that goes like this;

And I know that I should be trying to move on. I know that I should be trying to put my time with Rose behind me. I know all of that.

But if you believe that you can recognise someone you have never met before, if you believe that there is just one person in the world for you, if you believe that there's only one other human being out there who you can love, for a lifetime-- and I believe all of these things-- then it follows that there is no point in pretending that tomorrow is another day and all that crap.

Because I've had my chance.

Beauty, eh? Haha. Sound like the moose from Brother Bear. LOL.

ANYWAY, yeah. Turned out when I arrived back to class with the novel, that it had belonged to Ivanna before. She had donated it to the school for our ReadingBay Project, which is exactly where I had gotten it from-- the shelves.

I've started this new thing. Mind-cussing. It's when you cuss your arse off in your head when you're feeling frustrated or pissed. I didn't want to do it intentionally. I just started doing it. I suppose I did subconsciously want to. I mean, if I didn't why would I have started in the first place, right? I guess it is a resort that one has to succumb to; under the conditions that one has never said the F word before neither has or does one ever want to. I suppose it's 'cos I'd been thinking about it a fair amount. I mean, about the fact that people say it as if it were a mere 'How do you do?' or 'Please' and 'Thank You'. Nevertheless, I understand how hard it is to stop cussin'. Torture really, once you've gotten started.

So, anyway, yeah. I guess that's about all I have to report today.

Basketball tomorrow. Have to wake up early. Hope it doesn't rain.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Managed to get some of the AddMaths Project answers today. Can't say the day went to total waste I suppose. Okay, so I know I said just one day of rest but I don't know what happened. I just went with the flow and slept til 3:00pm. LOL.

Well, no matter. I'm getting back on track tomorrow. When better to start than on a weekend, right? -.-

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Exam Mural.

exams are over! EXAMS ARE OVER! exams are over! exams are over! exams are over! EXAMS ARE OVER! exams are over! exams are over! EXAMS ARE OVER! exams are over! EXAMS ARE OVER! exams are over! EXAMS ARE OVER! exams are over! exams are over! exams are over! EXAMS ARE OVER! exams are over! exams are over! exams are over! EXAMS ARE OVER! exams are over! exams are over! EXAMS ARE OVER! exams are over! EXAMS ARE OVER! exams are over! EXAMS ARE OVER! exams are over!

I'm not really as happy as the 'mural' lets off. Maybe feel more accomplished than relieved. Was rewarded with an on-the-dot completed Maths paper, a gratifying virtual high5 from Matt (you'd be surprised at how fulfilling and encouraging these minor things really are) and one afternoon free from study (this one not so encouraging la). Just one. ;p

Eating HotCup in front of the computer now. Ever realize how MaggiMee gives you that sickening taste at the back of your throat once you've had too much? Blergh. No wonder I've always hated it.
Anyway, decided to spend my one free afternoon sleeping, a little Chem PEKA-ing + TV and blogging. (I'm just one heck of a natural over-achiever aren't I?) Well, my plans of increasing my posts by threefold today have been minimized to one or maybe two if I'm lucky. Darn tuition.

My afternoon of doing homework while watching television has brought me to discover that daytime television has been reduced to crappy baby sh*t, indian gameshows and dramatic, *dum dum dum* filled, spanish soap operas.

Got a sneak peek at the SPM timetable yesterday night, courtesy of Deb who went 'researching'. I was pretty much shocked at the fact that it was out but everyone just seemed stagnant. -.-'' I must reeeaaalllyyy be outdated. Well, bring it on, babehh! Actually, thinking about it is getting me pretty scared.

Okay, switching subs. ;p

Know how sometimes you get stuck in traffic for like the longest time? Sis and I have found a way to eliminate that problem.

YAY!! Cam-whoring!!

We took 25. LoL. Yes, 25. And this was over a period of 20 minutes from home to tuition.

An old Mini-Cooper design. It looks pretty much the same now except for the shiny exterior and probably some more add-ons.


my babehhhh..
(couldn't get a full picture but

FYI, it's a VW Bug. XD )

Don't ask me why I've posted these random pictures up. Maybe the fact that everyone is driving to tuition and that I would have to wait til December to drive is getting to my head. I'm not a huge fan of driving but I suppose its the process of growing up and the anxiety that it inhibits inside of you.

Getting restless. Putting off my AddMaths project to blog. Damn, am I committed to my studies or what?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Aozora no Namida - Hitomi Takahashi
(which means The Tears of the Blue Sky once translated)

Those are part of the lyrics. Crazy about this song. Bloody good. For those who watch Blood+, you know what I mean. Never really watched the anime. Looks good. Should try soon. Maybe after SPM.

So, have gone a while (or at least what seemed like a long time) without coming online. And its not in that whole ugghhh!-i-dread-this-when-will-it-be-over?? way either. Pretty pleased actually. I like self-control when it is excuted nicely and successfully (which seldom happens). LOL.

Today's the second last day of what seems like a pretty short and fast-going exam. Am pleased to say I did not fall asleep once this time, excluding the one time I almost dozed off during the AddMaths paper. (like hello?! who dozes off during an AddMaths paper?? Answer: Me.) FYI, if you're wondering why I seem so pleased at the very austere fact that I did not fall asleep this exam, it's because I, literally, fell asleep over every one of the papers during Term1. And of course, my results had to pay the price.
This exam has been pretty interesting actually. With full consciousness, thoughts seem to run more freely through your mind. Here's what I came up with (yes, during exam lol):
What Not To Do During Exams:
1) Do not sleep. Can think clearer and better.
2) Do not try to figure out what song Cikgu Sabri and his little primary school minions are playing on the recorder.
3) Do not plot evil revenges against Cikgu Sabri and his primary school minions are making on their recorders after you get frustrated in guessing and just find it all to be noise.
4) Do not plan what you are going to write on your blog. Takes up time and thinking space. (Really..)
5) Do not reminisce on your primary school days and how Cikgu Sabri used to threaten us with abuse if we did not shut up or if we hit a wrong key on the recorder.
6) Do not count how many sumo wrestlers/afternoon session-ers does it take for them to realize that stepping on the metallic drain cover does make a lot of freaking noise.
7) Do not plot evil revenges against these people either.
8) Okay, no plotting of evil revenges. Period.
9) I don't think it's safe to sing either. Might annoy other exam participants and cause distraction.
10) Finally, DO NOT stare into blank space for over 2 minutes. You might end up trying to figure out what movie it was you saw that had a certain actor in it. -.-''

Hmm.. This explains my near-to-crummy results term after term. Haha. But seriously, those kids are annoying. Really.
I'm not kidding.

Sunday, July 22, 2007


I'm pushing myself to the limit with sejarah.It's hard when you have the limit of your ordinary household rubberband.

She's not trying to understand.

I need to talk.Someone who won't laugh at me.who won't think i'm a total loon or a saddo.
Figured out the problem.Not sejarah.

So worn out.i refuse to speak.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Do it, dude!

There is this Blogger named Idham who has pledged to donate RM 127.00 to the Darul Izzah Orphanage in Bangi for every tag completed before 26 August 2007. It's so simple, all you need to do is to complete any 17 sentences from the 27 listed below (that's the tag) and drop Idham a comment over at the tag's original page here.

The tag is completing a minimum 17 of the 27 phrases provided. (As if.. I'm doing all, babeh!)

1. A person is only as good as his/her heart is.
2. Friendship is always there when you're in need of it.
3. To love is to hurt.
4. Money makes me so ecstatic, I pee. -.-
5. I miss the time when life was all about fun and games.
6. My way of saying I care is to always be concerned about everything that goes on with you.
7. I try to spread love and happiness by being funny. (I never said it works.)
8. Pick the flowers when my hands find no rest.
9. To love someone is to love him while he's loving her.
10. Beauty is skin deep.
11. When I was thirteen, what I remember the most was looking horribly gawky.
12. When I was twenty one, I remember I miss my years of being 18, 19 and 20 cos I'm freakin' 16!!
13. I am most happy when I have God in my life.
14. Nothing makes me happier than to know Him.
15. If I can change one thing, I would change myself before I decide to change the world.
16. If smiles weren't so taxing, I'd smile alot more.
17. Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up.. lalalala..blahblah. *however the song goes*
18. If you want to be a SOMEONE, then let your heart be the one that stands out and outshines the rest.
19. Money is not everything -end of sentence- (nothing more needs be said.)
20. The most touching moment I have experienced is irrecallable.
21. I smile when I'm happy la, dope.
22. When I am happy, I just smile non-stop like a patient out of the psych ward. LOL.
23. If only I don't have to study Sejarah, then I don’t have to be so frustrated.
24. The best thing I did yesterday was not leave any blanks on my Chem paper. XD
25. If I ever write a book, I will give it this title 'Drink Coke and grow a penis.' (Oh boohoo. Bet you'd flip through the pages of a book like that if you ever saw one.)
26. One thing I must do before I die is be at peace with everyone I care about.
27. Doing this meme, I feel spontaneous and exhilirated slightly. ;p

Now, I tag:
Nobodddyyy!! Yay! End chain!
No la. Whoever wants la. I mean, dude, it's for a good cause, right? Plus, it's fun.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Up down, up down.

I'm home!! With much to report. ;p It was Good and Bad. Literally.
Alright. So, Chris and I arrived at Santubong hotel at around 4. Yes, Santubong not Damai. Guess why. Idiotic system. We weren't allowed to drive up to Damai for fear that we were not really residents there and may take up residents' space. Pfft. They had police block the way up. Only cars with the special pass car sticker were allowed to pass. Sheesh. After what seemed like a long time Chris and I took a shuttle up to SCV where we met up with Deborah who brought us to our room. Grace and Esme had already been in SCV. Felt like an absolutely idiot really; not knowing this from that or where from what.

After leaving our stuff in the room, we headed back for SCV. This was at around 4.30pm so the strings workshop was already over when we got there. To be perfectly honest, it felt really weird being around everyone. I was beggining to regret it a little and was slightly relieved that I was only staying one night. But I figured that things would gradually lighten up after a day or so. Unfortunately, I wasn't going to be around that long. ;p

So, we met up at the hall and headed over to catch the Percussion Unit Workshop and a glimpse at hottie hot hottie Justin Lim a.k.a. Funky China Man. LoL. (Noo, I did not give him that name. It's his nickname. -.-). He plays the Chinese drums. XD (Yes, those are dreadlocks. Not big enough a turn off to turn me off. ;p)

The workshop was, in one word, superb.

Made things feel a little lighter, I suppose. They taught us this really cute dance. Unfortunately, they only come on on Sunday so none of us will get a chance to watch them do their thang on stage.
After that we headed back to our room. Some of the others decided they wanted to go to the beach so we did. After a round of tag for the others, while Grace and I kicked the waves, took in the smell of salt water in the evening and talked about RWMF, Deb decided we should all go to the pool.
Beach ;)

Wawa and Grace.


We had to walk up flight after flight after flight up the ultra steep steps of hell to get to the pool. It was a near death experience. Chris and I exchanged cheesy, 'I give up, go on without me' lines. Someone even shouted 'Malaysia Boleh!' on the way. LoL.
Was feeling a tiny bit strange, like somehow the Jessica inside of me who loves cracking the most idiotic jokes couldn't even crack one. It all seemed too unfunny.

When we arrived at the pool, however, things started to get better.
Deb tried to drag me into the pool and after several attempts succeeded. And a breakthrough was made. I CAN CARRY DEB! Haha.

At around 6, we headed back to our room. We took turns to bathe. Alot of dibs calling was done on this trip. For the shower esp. After everyone had showered and we were waiting in the room for Michelle to arrive, it got kind of awkward again. That's because that was around the time more people began to arrive (friends of ween and wawa).
While waiting, we cam-whored to 'drown out the sorrow', quote Deb 'cos she was beggining to get impatient from all the waiting.

Grace and Deb even started teaching me their 'OMG lang'.

mfeo - made for each other
ibtd - i beg to differ

After a while, Michelle arrived with McD (a burger and a pack of fries). Chris, Grace, Deb, Esme and I 'gathered' around her bag, snatched the McD paper bag out and passed around the sisterhood of the fillet burger around.

Finally, after everyone was ready, we headed over to SCV; which was at about 7.30 or so. We walked around the place and bought our dinner. (There was even a Coffee Bean and Wine House stall! Like, wth?!). After that we headed into the huge crowd and joined the show. It all started feeling weird again. Felt a little outta place, boring and planned out next to these bunch of spontaneous, regular party-goers (referring to the lot I went there with btw). No spontaneity.

When it came to one of the less interesting acts, we left to get drinks which was at about 9 plus. We had only just begun and already our feet were aching like crazy. So, we sat around of a dayak-ish hall-like structure as we chugged down on water.

And of course, we cam-whored. ;p

(they seemed to have found a new fascination with my phone camera; because you can see yourself in it. -.-'')

Felt alot looser and really fun after that. We headed back into the crowd to catch Mas Y Mas. Brilliant. That was when it started getting interesting. We danced so hard. Ugh. It was insane. Our feet were on the brink of breaking. Seriously. But we couldn't stop. I mean, helllooo, in the middle of a music festival here. It'd just seem weird to stand there while everyone was breaking out.

Tip #1 When feet are aching beyond all reason and you're stuck in the middle of a music festival, surrounded in a mosh pit of dancing monkeys, move hips from left to right alternately. Helps regulate circulation in legs. LoL. And less tiring. (Also applies to those who can't dance i.e. yours truly).

After 4 hours of non-stop dancing (OMG!!), we headed back to the hall-like structure to get more water. We each got a bottle of Mulu, the ciplak Evian (twice as good and half the price ;p yeah, okay not really) and sat around to rest our feet before our long walk back to Damai from SCV.

Tip #2 When resting feet after a tiring work out, it helps to stretch your legs out on an even surface. Feels more rested.

We ended up stopping outside Holiday Inn, which is nearer to SCV than Damai but felt far enough thank you very much, and waited with the two guards on duty at the gate at like 2 plus am. We sat on a rock which was outside the gate. XD
One of the guards even disgustingly flirted with Michelle. LoL. Amusing, really. Hair-raising, definitely. After a while, the shuttle arrived in the form of a 4-wheel drive.

We finally arrived back in our room (thank God!). It was around 3. We once again waited for our respective turns to shower. Next thing I knew, I dozed off on the duvan that Grace and I had shared and woke up at 5am to realise that I had fallen asleep without bathing. LoL. So I got up and slipped into something more comfortable and plopped back into bed. Yeah, I'm a dirty girl. Blahblahblah. ;p

The next morning, Esme tried to shake me awake. Apparently I had been the last to wake up and Deb said that I was 'like dead like that'. Esme even attempted a very sad 'Fire!! Fire!!' to get me to wake up. -.-'' That line's been used one too many times on me. LoL. They told me it was already 12 so I'd get up. They lied. It was only 9.30. -.- !#$%

So, after getting up, we once again headed for the beach then walked back up the hell stairs to get to the pool.

Sat on the sidelines as Deb, Esme, Chris and Grace traded around in the pool. Had a deep, engaging conversation about diets and BMIs/ideal weights. LoL.

At about 11, we headed back to the room. Kim and Melina arrived while Deb left to meet up with her family for her Dad's birthday lunch. Michelle and I were the only two heading back to Kuching early, after taking a bath we walked down to SCV, where we took a shuttle down to Santubong.

Parents picked me up at around 1, after which I slept the whole way down with the exception of the lunch-stop we made at some seafood place. Reached home and slept some more til 5.45pm. LoL. Remembered there was church. We rushed down to St. Joe and made it just in time.

All and all, it was a great experience. I mean, not one I'd go rushing back into but hey, if my friends ask me to why not, right?
Even church seemed more magical today. Felt absolutely connected with God. It was awesome. =)).

I suppose I may go back next year. It's just, thinking about all that dancing is really scaring me. LoL. Probably 'cos I wouldn't consider what I did, dancing. I'd prefer to call it ang kau tiok belacan (monkey kena belacan). LoL. No, I didn't make it up. Old Chinese proverb.

I hope everyone notices a pattern in the bold italic words and the title. ;p

Thursday, July 12, 2007


It is officially 14 hours to raaaaaaiiiiiinnnnnfffffooooorrrrrreeeeesssttttt.

So, I have only one thing left to say,

Okaaayy. That's not all I have to say. Truth, I'm kinda nervous. Kinda worried that I'd feel left out. Should be fine. I'd be way too excited to care about anything else really. LoL.
You can trust me to come back with plenty to report. Good or bad.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Sam's happy time.

Artist/Song name- Avril Lavigne- When you're gone lyrics
From the album- "The best damn thing"
I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cried
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
Is made up on your side
When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?
When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always
get me through the day
And make it ok
I miss you

I suppose I felt mad at first. I didn't seem to be getting any responses. Even one so daft would get the hint after being slammed in the face over and over again. But fortunately, He has once again shown me that patience and thinking straight has its perks and that that's always the way to go. So, thank You. =))

And the emotional outbursts did not end because all throughout this week I found myself experiencing all sorts of craaaazzzzyyy emotions. I began to feel the want to have some sort of a closer lineage bond with my second cousin, Isabel (out of the freakin' blue). I-am-strange.
Then somewhere along the week I turned into a 'raging ball of rage', quote Ju. And I mean I was reeeaaalllyyy pissed. But thank God I was at home at the time or.. ugh, let's just say nothing good would come of it.

People have been passing auto books around all month. I suppose the year's coming to an end. I don't feel like doing the same. But at the same time I want to have something to look back on and reminisce with.

And instead of not eating meat on Fridays, which I suppose would not bring much difference or meaning to me, I have decided to stop cussin' on Fridays instead. LoL. Yeah, I'm that bad. Hopefully, if this goes on well, I can stop totally. =))

Ideas of what to put up on my blog kept popping up all week but now I can't seem to remember any of them anymore. LoL. So yeah, I'll just end it here. Want to resume watching Darker than Black. I don't know. I'm supposed to be filling in Gertrude's auto but the weekends are the only time I get to 'anime'. =(( Grrr..

I'm getting all pumped up about Transformers again. Thanks alot, Matty.
This is not good. ;p

p/s. Forgive the title. Watch the movie. You'll understand. ;p

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Harharhar. SCREW THAT!

Been so emotional. Probably the PMS kicking in. I sat in the car today, my mind simply drifting off at the fact that Miss Cindy has already left. I mean, it's not too odd or anything for a normal person to miss their teacher I suppose but it is odd for me. I don't miss teachers. She's probably the only teacher I've ever really liked.

Then, at church I met a friend. He looked kind of pissed or annoyed. Can't tell. Well, maybe he's just tired. Don't know. Spent about a day or so missing him, a few days ago.

Now, someone whom I really care about pissed me off. Urgh. Worst part is I have to surpress it because, well, I really have no right to be angry. It is absolutely suffocating. I'm just gonna stay as far away as possible from him for a while. Maybe it's for the best. Deb has offered to restrain me.

Sometimes I just wish that something so bad would happen to me, just so I could blame it on you and you'd have to bare the weight of the guilt on your shoulders. Because you didn't love me enough. But no, it's not worth it. I'm worth much more than that, aren't I?

'Transformers' was nice though. I <3 BumbleBee, the coolest Porsche Camaro/Autobot ever! This show is definitely worth 5-stars. A must watch.

This is totally random but I recently received this email to be a part of this Nuffnang advertising thing, as in post up ads on your blog. So, I would just like to say, I would never stoop to being an advertising blog! EVER! And I'm not trying to insult all those blogs that do. Kudos to you all, dudes. It's just, it's not something that I personally would do. It's just a personal interest thing, right? So, once again I emphasize, am not trying to diss anyone here.

Okay. I'm off to watch Darker than Black. Hopefully, there's enough time left.

p/s. Talking to Deb has made me realise how horrifyingly creative I am. Not in a good way either. When she told me Johnny Depp was married to a French singer, the first thought that actually popped into mind was this scene whereby they meet at some quiet night club/bistro on the quiet streets of Italy and it just so happened that on that fateful night that she was singing he happened to be in France and decided to pop in and managed to catch a glimpse of her show and fell madly in love with her. (Though I don't think she's that kinda singer.) I told Deb that maybe I should consider writing fake backgrounds for illegal immigrants that enter the country to fit their fake IDs. Hmm.. It's always an option, I suppose.