Friday, June 8, 2007

Scene 01.

So, there's this scene that plays itself over and over again in my head. There is this boy and there is this girl. Both frantic with expression yet so strangely calm, they look at each other as they stand close at a distance. The girl, under her breath, sighs and says, "..Being with you, its like going on a rollercoaster ride. I give up..."

And this scene, it plays over and over again every time I am forced to face yet another person who proves once again that sometimes your feelings just don't get returned. Not all too often, anyway.
And with every experience a lesson is learnt, sometimes two. With every experience you grow wiser, smarter.

So, how many times has it felt as if this one person was really 'The One'? It would easily touch half a dozen if I were to sit down one day and count the many times I've fallen into that sad misunderstanding. And yet, I seem to let it happen anyway. No, not willingly. Just.. it's like I forget. I forget that it's happened before. I forget and fall into the same trap and get my heart broken, try after try.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking. Depressing isn't she? I say, yeah.. pretty depressing.


Just had a really long phone conversation with Juju. Studied through the phone for about a half hour then we just talked. Had this crazy surprise Physics test tonight. Insanely difficult is what I call it, along with a few other people who just choose to shake their head in disbelief of its difficulty. ;p

And thus, I shall kill this post with yet another strange yet very very fun-to-do survey.

name 3 schools u went to
01 = st jude.
02 = srb st teresa.
03 = smk st teresa.

name 3 things u do when u're really stressed
01 = watch foamy. it helps. alot.
02 = shout my heart out.
03 = release the load on my bestie. thank you. =))

name 3 favourite fruits
01 = green green green grapes.
02 = pear. no, not the chinese one.
03 = papaya? lol.

name 3 of ur favourite foods
01 = Burger King! (technically not A FOOD but yeah, good good stuff)
02 = fries. i <33 03 =" ice cream. for sure. ;)

The Whos
Who's in the house with u?
my family.

Who r u thinking about right now?
not telling.

Who's ur special sumone rite now?

Who do u sit next to in your class?

The Wheres
Where do u wish u were right now?
where ever you are. contradiction. pff.

Where is the last place u took aride to?
tuition. i suppose.

Where are u now?
parents' room.

The Whats
What was the last thing u ate?
pau. kaya kaya kaya pau.

What colour shirt r u wearing?
white? -.-''

The Whens
When did u start school?
too long ago, buddy.

When is ur birthday?
december 8th.

When did u last go to the mall ?
once again, waayy too long ago.


So, I've decided. No more running away. No more brooding over loss and just waiting for the whole friendship to turn stale. Maybe friendship was more than I could ever ask for.

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