Friday, November 30, 2007

We are family~

Jesse came over this afternoon to jam. Was pretty fun considering I cannot do even a quarter of what he can. But it being what runs in the Songs' blood (*ahem ahem Some Songs), Jesse was very patient with teaching me. xD Thanks Jess.

Yes. This goof ball is damn good at the guitar.

He was showing me this hilarious vid one YouTube about this ventriloquist who's bloody good. I'm telling you, his lips don't move. And the stupid puppet kept going, 'I kill you!' Haha. Some pun to mock Islamic terrorists. Come to think of it, that guy pretty much insulted almost every other religion either. Guess that's fair. LoL. Sorta.

Went to watch Enchanted with Min, Serena, Sis and Jesse tonight. One word; McDrrreeeeeaaaammmmyyy@Patrick Dempsey. *ssss

Look at those McDreeeaammmyy eyes.

Anyway, it felt nice going out with family. (Serena included xD) They're the people you go to when you feel down and out. Your life support. It felt good tonight. Things have been rough and its nice to escape from it all for a while. [No pun intended to anyone, seriously]. Don't know why but sometimes I kinda forget. How truly important family can be. And how they'll always be there in the end.

The movie was alright. It's definitely different. Sorta like all the Disney FairyTales put into one? But it was really entertaining cos we laughed our arses off. All those fairytale puns. Haha. Really. But the company was GREAT. So fun to go out like that again. How long has it been? A year since I've been to the movies?

Yes. That was Min's main purpose. LOL.

We had Serena at "OMG. Jess and Jesse!! So cute.."

So, that's about it. I seem to be feeling alot better too. YAY~ Praise God. xD

Leave you McDreamy fans out there with a little turn off. ;p Or maybe turn on for all you die-hards. 0_0


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