Well, let's just say that I've never believed YouTube to be home to the most entertaining videos nor an unfailing shelter to the bored and desperate. But my dear Ju has shown me otherwise. XP
It's some guy called Rob Paravonian who's apparently some musical comedian? He's dissing Pachalbel's Canon in D. Hillarious. LMAO. But I kinda like the song so we don't see eye to eye. ;p It's in O2 jam as well for all those of you who do not know it but do play O2 jam. Personally, I think classical music is one of the most gorrrgeeeoouuussss genres of music there are. But that doesn't stop him from being extremely funny to me. XP
This one is by Flight of the Conchords, another pair of musicians/comedians. Now they are HILLARIOUS. But it all depends on the kind of humour you have la. Hehe. ^^" They have the most adorable and original lines I have ever heard. ROFL.
Both of these videos are courtesy of Ju and her brother Nick, the coolest family of musicians I know. XD
Thanks Ju. For sharing this with me. ^^
House Appraisals
8 years ago
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